A downloadable game

On a hot summer day, you and your sister were walking through the mall when a store caught your eye. It had the new VR co-op game in exposition and clients were free to try it out. Since you both love VR games, you didn’t even hesitate. You walked into the store, approached the counter and asked to play the game. The manager explained you both had to go into separate rooms, each with different setups because for the full experience, you couldn’t communicate with each other directly. “So be it.”

You both turned on the game, and as soon as you did, you found yourself in a city in flames, with its citizens running and screaming while trying to escape, the sky black with all the smoke and most buildings collapsed.

“Go grab your weapons hunter!” You heard, while a soldier was pointing to the case on your right. You opened it and found three harpoons, each with a rope attached, and a hunting knife.

“What are you waiting for? Go kill the beast!”

You headed outside and saw a giant wolf attacking the city. While observing his patterns, you noticed a glowing orb on his back.

“He is too big for me to climb on top of it. But maybe…when he attacks, he gets on his back paws. I can try to make him fall!”

So you sneaked up on him, waiting for his next attack. He stopped in front of a building, stood up on his two paws and you shot your harpoons on his paws. Once they hit the flesh, you pulled them back and the beast fell on the ground.

You rushed towards him, and you were now able to jump on his back. You leapt towards the glowing orb and slashed it with your knife. As soon as you did, you heard the beast growl in pain and it started to fade away, leaving nothing left.

Once the beast was defeated, you saw a magical purple portal appear in front of you and heard a girl scream. It was your sister’s voice. You rushed in and you suddenly found yourself in a maze, with the portal vanishing behind you.

You looked around you, and the maze was full of spiders. “Oh no, she is terrified of spi-“ You didn’t even have time to finish your sentence, you heard her scream for help.

“I have to hurry!” You said to yourself as you sprinted your way into the maze, being guided by the direction of her screams.

Not soon after, you saw her in the distance, fighting a giant spider. With only one harpoon left, you put the harpoon over the fire of some burning debris, setting it ablaze, and you fired it at the spider.

The spider was instantly set on fire, and soon started to fade away.

A floating message appeared:

“Congratulations. You have beaten the demo!”

“Ufff…. this was VERY intense. Let’s not play it anytime soon.”

 “Ahaha, alright sis. Let’s leave.”

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